Mental Health and Behaviour Change programme
Our mental health and behaviour change programme supports the development of sustainable, high-impact solutions with a focus on:
- children and young people
- those with dementia and their carers
- new ways of providing health care
- integration between mental and physical health services
- workforce diversity
Our approach
Approximately 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem each year. We are supporting the development of sustainable and high impact solutions to improve the mental health of our population.
We aim to address the “treatment gap” in mental health – the difference that exists between the number of people with mental health issues who need care and those who receive care.
Our work seeks to increase the availability of mental health treatments without increasing the cost, through developing, evaluating and spreading innovative approaches and partnerships.
Key programmes
- Mental and Physical Health: As part of the “Stolen Years” project we’re addressing the significant mortality gap between people with long-term mental health conditions and those without, including reducing CVD in people with mental health problems. We’re part of the Physical Health Leads Network to bring together clinicians and expertise to reduce the mental health mortality gap, with objectives including improving diabetes management.
- iTHRIVE: We are helping to deliver the iTHRIVE programme to improve and adolescent mental health through a needs based system with support, signposting, treatment and managing risk. Our work includes developing online training.
- Student mental health: We’re supporting universities to ensure that students can quickly access support for mental health issues.
- Dementia research: We’re working to encourage more participants into dementia trials, including developing a virtual platform to connect consultants in East London with leading researchers.
- Peer Support Workers: We’ve collaborated with Health Education England, NCCMH, and Care City, to produce a competence framework and curriculum for Peer Support Workers.
- AHSN National Programmes: We are supporting the delivery in our region of AHSN national mental health programmes for ADHD and eating disorders.