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PPI training – How to do PPI: focus groups and more

29 April 2021, 2-4pm | ONLINE EVENT
The BRC runs a programme of regular workshops for researchers at UCLPartner organisations on patient and public involvement (PPI) in research.

*Due to the current UK situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be holding all scheduled workshops online*


This session is for anyone who understands the role of PPI, and wants to put their learning into practice. The session examines PPI methods in depth, including cost, how to choose the right method for your project, and with a particular look at how to run a PPI focus group.

24 February 2021 – 2pm – 4pm

31 March 2021 – 10:00am – 12:00pm

29 April 2021 – 2pm – 4pm

The award-winning sessions build up researchers’ skills in involving lay people in activities including setting research priorities and designing protocols.

Attendees get career points as workshops are included in UCL’s Doctoral Skills Development Programme. Workshops are supported by the Wellcome Trust.


Workshops are free for staff at UCL, UCLH and UCLPartners organisations

The costs of attending the workshops for other staff are as :

  • For industry and for-profit organisations: £60 per workshop (£50 per workshop if two or more are booked together)
  •  For non-profit organisations: £30 per workshop (£25 per workshop  if two or more are booked together)

NIHR UCLH BRC reserve the right to charge a £50 fee if you don’t let them know 24 hours before the workshop that you won’t be attending.

Book a place

Staff from UCL and UCLH  should fill in the form in the sign up link at the bottom of this page.

If you are not staff from UCL, and UCLH please submit your registration by emailing with the following information

  • name of workshop
  • date of workshop
  • your name
  • job title and organisation
  • your departmental budget code

More information and sign up here.

Sign up for this event