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SBRI funding support

The Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) Healthcare is an NHS England programme managed by LGC Group and supported by the Academic Health Science Network (AHSN). The aim of the SBRI is to help deliver the Innovation Health and Wealth agenda.

The SBRI programme is based on taking a two-phased development approach, projects start with initial feasibility and can then move on to more detailed product development.

The current SBRI Competition is entitled: “Delivering a net zero NHS: Clinical Innovation Competition,” and is for Phase 1 funding. For more information on this competition, head to the SBRI website. The application deadline for this competition is: 5 October 2022. 

At UCLPartners, we have a storied history of supporting entrepreneurs and innovators to develop, test, evaluate, and scale their innovations, including exciting firms such as Neuroresponse, TinyMedical Apps, Suvera, and more.

As such, we are well positioned to offer our expertise to innovators who are looking to apply for early-phase funding from the SBRI.

Why work with UCLPartners to apply for SBRI funding? 

  • Support in piloting and testing your innovation 
    We have a strong track record of supporting early-stage innovators in piloting and testing their ideas in a variety of health and care settings, such as NHS hospitals, community health services, and GP practices all over our enormous and varied geography. This experience also allows us to help you glean those vital early insights into the NHS market. 
  • Coaching and training on NHS priorities 
    Our team’s knowledge of the overall context of the NHS, its priorities, and its complexities means that we can assist you in developing your innovation’s unique value proposition in a way that is attractive to the NHS. We also hold monthly NHS Insights briefings that allow innovators to gain knowledge about how the wider NHS and healthcare system works, and where it is that you and your innovation might fit in. 
  • Evidence generation 
    We offer industry-leading support in evidence generation, with a particular emphasis on the impact your innovation would have on the market, and health economics. These are vital to ensuring that the true impact of your innovation is understood and appreciated. 
  • PPIE and health inequalities 
    We heavily emphasise both Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement and the tackling of health inequalities in all our work, meaning that we are highly experienced in both areas. We have built an incredibly diverse, honest, and proactive patient, carer and public advisory panel who can help you ensure that your innovation is developed and tested with the most important factor always in mind; the patients. 
  • Outputs and case studies 
    Once you’ve piloted and evaluated your innovation, we can help you disseminate and share the results of your research and the successes you have achieved through social media, traditional industry publications, the creation of case studies, and much more. 

Why choose the UCLPartners region/partnership? 

Although much of our work has a national and international scope, our core focus is our home region, covering our partners in North East and North Central London, and Mid and South Essex. This expansive partnership serves 3 ICSs, with an overall population of over six million people, making us the largest academic health science network in the country by individuals served. This is also a highly diverse population, covering metropolitan, urban, suburban, and coastal communities. 

Our partnership also contains some of the most highly regarded universities and NHS trusts in the country, allowing us to leverage the incredible experience and talent of our parners in both the health and academic arenas across a huge variety of subjects. 

Get in touch

If you are an entrepreneur or innovator looking to partner with us for your SBRI bid, contact us here, using “SBRI Competition” under “area of interest”