Bedside Learning Co-ordinator App Pilot
Who can apply?
This opportunity is open to teams or organisations in the UCLPartners region who are piloting or have adopted the BLC role, where this app could further support staff and leadership teams to track insights, monitor progress and feedback improvements made.
When will the pilot take place?
The pilot will run over a 12-week period, from May-July 2021. Please note, we will aim to take a flexible approach and adapt the pilot time-frame if required. During this time, teams will be supported by UCLPartners to implement the app, as well as to capture evidence of impact.
How to apply?
Please complete the expression of interest form below if you would like to apply to pilot the BLC app. The deadline for submitting an expression of interest is 5pm Friday 23rd April.
The information you provide on this form will help us to better understand your organisation’s suitability to pilot the BLC app and the type of support that will be most helpful to you. We will be in contact once we have received your completed form for a further discussion about this opportunity.
Further information
If you would like to view a short demo of the BLC app, please view our recent webinar on the BLC role here.
If you would like to discuss this opportunity before submitting an application, please contact Emma Mordaunt at