NCL Health Alliance is the NHS provider collaborative for the North Central London region. We are an “all-in” provider collaborative which means that we cover all NHS providers across the system, including primary care, acute, mental health, specialist, and community providers.
Provider collaboratives are partnerships that bring together two or more NHS trusts (public providers of NHS services including hospitals and mental health services) to work together at scale to benefit their populations. Read this explainer by the Kings Fund to find out more.
From 2022 all trusts providing acute and mental health services should be in a provider collaborative of at least two trusts working at scale across multiple places to:
- reduce unwarranted variation and inequality in health outcomes, access to services and experience
- improve resilience by, for example, providing mutual aid
- ensure that specialisation and consolidation happen, where this will provide better outcomes and value
Our purpose
As a provider collaborative our aims are:
- To enable effective partnership working to improve the outcomes and experience for the population we serve
- To make improvements to the whole pathway from prevention, to treatment and both physical and mental health needs
- To include people living in North Central London as well as those travelling in to receive specialised care
- To demonstrate best value for taxpayers and support member organisations to sustain high quality care within resource constraints.
Find out more about our programmes of work
How we are funded
We are funded by member contributions. There is a small, full time staff.