Milestones and You Matter: End of Life Care education resources
These resources have been developed to support experienced facilitators teaching End of Life Care education to non-specialist staff across all health and care settings.
Each suite includes a 17-minute teaching film supported by slide sets, handouts, notes for facilitators and evaluation tools.
The materials have been highly rated by trainers, and learners have reported an increase in confidence as well as a positive impact on their practice.
Milestones can be used to deliver modular teaching sessions on the following areas:
- Recognition of deterioration
- Effective communication, including DNACPR decision-making and discussion
- Making an individualised plan of care
- Physical care at the end of life
You Matter can be used to deliver modular teaching sessions on the following areas:
- Preparing for a death in the community (including recognition of deterioration, bereavement, cultural and spiritual issues)
- Effective communication
- Making a plan of care for the last days of life
- Physical care in the last days of life
- Advanced Care Planning: discussions and decisions
Milestones (acute hospitals)
You Matter (community)
The You Matter film was developed by East London NHS Foundation Trust and is used with their permission.
The Milestones film and both suites of educational materials have been developed by our End of Life Care team with funding from Health Education England working across North Central and East London (HEE NCEL).
For further information, please contact: