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  1. Home
  2. Our priorities
  3. Cardiovascular health
  4. Proactive care frameworks
  5. Respiratory resources

Respiratory resources

In this section:


Respiratory disease affects one in five people in England, and is the third biggest cause of death. As with cardiovascular disease, it is a major contributor to health inequalities. Hospital admissions for lung disease remain a major factor in the winter pressures faced by the NHS.

The NHS Long Term Plan has set a national priority to improve treatment and support for people with respiratory disease, with an ambition to transform our outcomes to equal, or better, than our international counterparts.

Our proactive care frameworks provide a platform for optimising clinical care and self-care for people asthma and COPD, supporting primary care teams to do things differently and at scale.

Read the descriptions of the support we offer for respiratory conditions below:

Digital tools

Here, you can find reliable tools that can be used to support both staff and patients.