Why measure?
It is important to understand how you are performing to identify areas of improvement. The data sources listed on this page will help you to gain an insight of what is happening in the system within your region.
- Able to prioritise high risk patients
- Improved patient care
- Streamlined processes
- Increased engagement
- Decreased wastage
- Increased efficiency
These sites or tools will provide you with baseline data, for example how many patients have hypertension within your geography, who of those patients are at high risk, and which priority group to focus your improvement work on.
Risk Stratification tool
This tool identifies all patients on the e.g hypertension register. These patients are then stratified into priority groups based on last recorded blood pressure as well comorbidities and ethnicity.
Size of the prize
UCLPartners has developed two Size of the Prize resources that use Integrated Care Board level data to demonstrate the potential for preventing heart attacks and stroke through optimisation of treatment for their common risk factors. To date, we have developed a Size of the Prize for the management of high blood pressure and a Size of the Prize for the management of high cholesterol.

CVDACTION complements the existing UCLPartners Proactive Care Frameworks and will enable smarter use of data to identify, stratify and prioritise patients whose preventive treatment needs improving. Find out more about CVDACTION.
CVDprevent audit
Use CVDprevent, a national primary care audit that automatically extracts routinely held GP data covering diagnosis and management of six high risk conditions that cause stroke, heart attack and dementia e.g hypertension and high cholesterol. This will allow you understand your baseline data and see if your change has made an improvement
Use the NHS Digital site to understand how your practice is progressing against QOF targets
- Measurement plan