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Acronym/Term Term 
AHSN Academic Health Science Network 
ICB Integrated Care Boards 
ICS Integrated Care Systems 
QOF Quality and Outcome Framework 
IIF Investment and Impact Fund 
ARRS Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme 
PPI Patient and Public Involvement 
SBRI Small Business Research Initiative
ORCHA Organisation for the Review of Health and Care Apps 
UKRI UK Research and Innovation 
NIHR National Institute for Health and Care Research 
DTAC Digital Health Technology Assessment 
GDPR General Data Protection Regulations 
ICO Information Commissioners Officer 
DPIA Data Protection Impact Assessment 
DPO Data Protection Officer 
DSPT NHS Digital Data Security and Protection Toolkit 
DHT Digital Health Technology 
UKCA UK Conformity Assessed marking 
CE Conformite Europeenne 
CSO Clinical Safety Officer 
WCAG Web Content Accessibility Guidance 
ARC Applied Research Collaboration