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  1. Home
  2. Our priorities
  3. Cardiovascular health
  4. Proactive care frameworks
  5. Respiratory resources
  6. Education, training and resources to support self-management and behaviour change

Education, training and resources to support self-management and behaviour change

These materials and resources are designed to help primary care teams deliver personalised, education, self-management and behaviour change for patients.  The resources include:

  • Protocols/suggested wording to guide consultations
  • Training and education materials


The following protocols (suggested wording) to guide consultations could be used by Health Care Assistants (HCA), social prescribers, pharmacy technicians, physician associates or health and wellbeing advisors, depending on what workforce is available in your practice or PCN.

These are relevant to all of the conditions and can support management of low, medium and high risk categories.

Training and education

We offer a variety of education and training, including:

  • Communications training to enable delivery of the protocols utilising motivational interviewing and health coaching techniques.
  • Best practice in virtual consultations â€“ practical training and support to deliver high quality remote consultations. This training has been developed in partnership with the Royal Free NHS Foundation Trust. Details of training dates and how to book onto these sessions will be available soon.
  • Condition-specific training that our clinical team has developed. We are working with local Training Hubs to provide training on each of the conditions covered by the frameworks.
  • Practical training links and digital resources covering for example, how demonstrate correct inhaler technique, very brief advice for smoking cessation.

Download suggested education and training support for delivery of the frameworks.

Access our communication training films and supporting self-management workshops

We have created a series of three communication skills, 10-minute, training films. These films are designed for Healthcare Assistants or those in similar roles, and focus on using health coaching and motivational interviewing techniques when having conversations with patients. The films share examples of conversations with patients who have high blood pressure, COPD and Type 2 Diabetes.

We have also been working with Care City to deliver workshops on approaches for supporting self-management for patients living with low-risk long-term conditions. Recordings of these workshops are now available.

We recommend you participate in the training films and workshops to develop your confidence in supporting self-management, and strengthen your communication skills.

To access links to our communication skills training films and the workshops, please complete the form below.

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