CVDACTION: Innovation to transform the prevention of cardiovascular disease
Thousands of avoidable heart attacks and strokes would be prevented every year if more patients with high risk conditions like blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and chronic kidney disease received NICE recommended treatments.
CVDACTION makes it much easier for clinicians in primary care to spot patients who are high risk and undertreated, so that their care can be rapidly optimised.
CVDACTION has been successfully trialled in 10 demonstrator sites in London covering a population of 500,000 people. The evaluation report is expected in early 2025.
Dr Matt Kearney is leading further development of CVDACTION. Across London and UCLPartners’ geography, Matt will provide this leadership through his role as Senior Advisor at UCLPartners. To scale CVDACTION beyond this area, Matt has established at spin-out company called Into-Action.Health
For more information
Please visit and contact Into-Action.Health.