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  2. LSN Faculty Development Framework
  3. Value, standards & ethics

Value, standards & ethics

The values of the framework are based on consensus across the members of the London Simulation Network. They are aligned to the ASPiH standards for SBE, the Healthcare Simulationist Code of Ethics, and the HEVAS shared values of educators, representing healthcare educators at all levels and across a wide range of professions.

Key Values

  • Ethical conduct
  • Fairness
  • Accountability
  • Focus on patient experience, wellbeing & safety
  • Demonstrate professional behaviour and respect towards learners & each other
  • Aspire to high quality delivery of education
  • Support learners & their individual learning needs
  • Promote reflection & life-long learning in learners
  • Practice reflection and lifelong learning as educators
  • Promote learning that translates to benefit in actual practice
  • Embed equality, diversity and inclusion
  • We promote the Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) ‘Standards for Simulation-Based Education’. (See Appendix II)
  • We subscribe to the Society for Simulation in Healthcare ‘Healthcare Simulationist Code of Ethics4(See Appendix III)
  • We align with the shared values of educators of all healthcare professions as represented in the HEVAS Education of Healthcare Professionals: shared values and activities study5