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  2. LSN Faculty Development Framework
  3. I: Debriefing

I: Debriefing

LevelAimsLearning Outcomes
1Apply basic debriefing practices to SBE activities.    All the knowledge previously accumulated, plus:  

Demonstrates knowledge of:

1.1. understanding and application of psychological safety
1.2. the components of an effective debrief
1.3. educational strategies / conversational methods
1.4. learner and faculty-centred approaches to debriefing
1.5. one model of debriefing that identifies and relates NTS to clinical practice (e.g., description-analysis-application, learning conversation, hybrid models)
1.6. the definition of instruction, facilitation, feedback and debriefing.
1.7. the benefits and limitations of instruction, facilitation, feedback and debriefing.
1.8. the evidence supporting the value of debriefing

Demonstrates the ability to:

1.9. utilise appropriate strategies to establish and maintain a safe learning environment.
1.10. effectively debrief groups of diverse backgrounds with consideration of protected characteristics
1.11. conduct a debrief using a relevant debriefing model that identifies and relate NTS to clinical practice to improve performance in real situations.
1.12. utilise learner- and faculty-centred approaches to debriefing.
1.13. facilitate effective inter-professional group debriefing.


1.14. appropriate verbal and non-verbal skills to maintain a safe learning environment.
1.15. self-reflection on learning.
1.16. active participation in learning from meta-debriefing (E.g. DASH, OSAD, peer review).
2Apply advanced debriefing practices to SBE activities.   Evaluates debriefing practice in self and supports the development of debriefing practices in others    All the knowledge and skills previously accumulated, plus:
Demonstrates knowledge of:

2.1.    two or more models of debriefing that identifies and relates core concepts of human factors science to clinical practice.
2.2.    strategies to optimise co-debriefing.
2.3.    tools for evaluating debriefing practice.
2.4.    factors that threaten the educational experience and psychological safety.
Demonstrates the ability to:

2.5.    conduct a debrief utilising multiple approaches to debriefing to achieve learning outcomes.
2.6.    identify when a particular approach to debriefing is appropriate to the situation and to learners’ needs.
2.7.    apply strategies to optimise co-debriefing.
2.8.    apply a range of strategies to identify and manage difficult debriefing situations (depersonalising, generalising etc).
2.9.    utilise video to supplement debriefing practices.
2.10. apply learning from educational literature to own practice.


2.11. encouraging and role-modelling self-reflection on learning.
2.12. leading and role modelling participation in learning from meta-debriefing (E.g. DASH, OSAD, peer review).
engagement in continuing professional development (CPD) with regular evaluation of performance by both learner and fellow faculty.
3Apply advanced debriefing practices in complex settings including in clinical practice.   Leads the evaluation, quality assurance and development of debriefing practices in all settings.    All the knowledge and skills previously accumulated, plus:  

Demonstrates knowledge of:

3.1 educational standards or governance frameworks to influence and guide the content and quality of simulation programmes.

Demonstrates the ability to:

3.2 provide quality assurance for debriefing applying educational standards or governance frameworks.
3.3 effectively support colleagues to manage a difficult facilitation and debrief.
3.4 provide leadership and feedback to simulation-based educators using validated tools (e.g. DASH, OSAD, peer review).
3.5 utilise applied learning from educational literature to support the professional development of other simulation-based educators.


3.6 engagement in continuing professional development (CPD) with regular evaluation of performance by both learner and fellow faculty.

Examples of relevant evidence or learning resources

  • elfh Simulation Faculty Development Debriefing SBE events module
  • Courses attended or programmes undertaken including face-to-face, e-Learning, webinars
  • Literature reviews, research, reflective practice, personal reading/learning
  • Feedback from supervisors, peers, learners
  • Demonstration of reflection on and learning from debrief participation
  • Examples of use of practical application of different debrief models
  • Other equivalent demonstratable experience