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  2. LSN Faculty Development Framework
  3. G: In Situ

G: In Situ

LevelAimsLearning Outcomes
 1Conduct a high quality in situ simulation  Demonstrates knowledge of:

1.1. the concept of in situ simulation
1.2. the differences between the centre-based simulation education & in situ simulation
1.3. the importance of learning objectives of each participant group, team, and the department, recognising that these will vary dependent on background and need
1.4. the advantages of in situ simulation (teamwork, clinical performance, identification &resolution of latent errors)
1.5. the challenges of running an in situ sim in terms of safety around medications& equipment used, environment, operational challenges and other patients
Demonstrates the ability to:
1.6. conduct an appropriate educational needs analysis to identify the needs of the learners, the team and organisation, where in situ sim is conducted
1.7. ensure psychological safety of participants, patients and relatives.
1.8. utilise appropriate strategies to establish and maintain a safe learning environment.
1.9. conduct a pre-brief to faculty team, participants, non-participant staff and patients in the department
1.10. ensure appropriate fidelity (environmental, equipment & psychological) to the simulation scenario
1.11. use the in situ sim training equipment (I sim, Mannequins etc.) to facilitate effective learning
1.12. debrief using a relevant model of debriefing that identify and relate NTS to clinical practice
1.13. facilitate effective inter-professional group debriefing
1.14. be flexible with the operational challenges
1.15. to engage with Simulated patients
1.16. identify system/latent errors and report it to the appropriate personnel to rectify the situation


1.17. appropriate verbal and non-verbal skills to maintain a safe learning environment.
1.18. take active steps to avoid the confusion between simulation equipment/resources and patient-use equipment through careful labelling and check lists.
1.19. engagement with the stakeholders and leadership to find out the clinical acuity, staffing and operational challenges
2Design and facilitate complex in situ simulations      All the knowledge and skills previously accumulated, plus:  

Demonstrates knowledge of:

2.1.    the operational challenges associated with delivering simulation in the clinical environment- which is unpredictable and requires adaptation from original plans
2.2.    factors that threaten the educational experience and psychological safety.
2.3.    the process of identifying and reporting of latent errors and the subsequent follow up
2.4.    logistical challenges of conducting a large-scale multidisciplinary simulation programme
Demonstrates the ability to:

2.5.    engage with the clinical and non-clinical leadership to create an educational culture to enable the smooth running of in situ simulation
2.6.    engage and influence relevant stakeholders to establish the in situ sim programmes to test the systems, processes and policies
2.7.    to understand the circumstances that enhance or hinder safety and develop processes targeting improved safety.
2.8.    involve all representative stakeholders to ensure the expertise of the multi-professional teams are used at the design and delivery of the in situ simulation programme with appropriate complexity to achieve the learning objectives of individuals, teams and the organisation.
engage in audits and quality improvement projects to check the effectiveness of in situ simulations
3In situ sim for system testing All the knowledge and skills previously accumulated, plus:  

Demonstrates the ability to:

3.1 prospectively use in situ sims to trouble shoot new or renovated system prior to implementation such as new clinical equipment, electronic patient system processes and policies and protocols
3.2 use in situ sim in an iterative fashion as an ongoing cyclical process to identify opportunities for improvement, design system changes, test the effects of changes and then identify further opportunities for refinement
3.3 conduct research and audit to find the effectiveness of the programmes.


3.4 engagement in continuing professional development (CPD) with regular evaluation of performance by both learner and fellow faculty.

Examples of relevant evidence or learning resources:

  • Courses attended or programmes undertaken including face-to-face, e-Learning, webinars
  • Literature reviews, research, reflective practice, personal reading/learning
  • Feedback from supervisors, peers, learners
  • Examples of participation as faculty in insitu sim delivery
  • Other equivalent demonstratable experience