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  2. LSN Faculty Development Framework
  3. F: Creating an effective learning environment

F: Creating an effective learning environment

LevelAimsLearning Outcomes
1Deliver a single scenarioDemonstrates knowledge of:

1.1. The need for role allocation of each faculty member
1.2. The written objectives and content of the scenario
1.3. The professional behaviour required of faculty
1.4. The principles of a safe learning environment and how to maintain these through a simulation scenario and debrief


1.5. A faculty brief ahead of the simulated activity
1.6. Accurate & comprehensive scenario set up (according to a faculty guide where available)
1.7. Audio, visual & technical equipment checks (as required) prior to starting & that all faculty & observers can see & hear everything clearly with reasonable adjustments made for disability and diversity
1.8. A clear & appropriate participant brief ahead of the scenario
1.9. Ability to start, progress & end the scenario with appropriate fidelity
1.10. Inform course lead or lead facilitator of any potential issues with the written version or suggestions for improvement/modification in light of group dynamics or inadequacies associated with principles of diversity and inclusion
1.11. Behave professionally while in the control room & encourage others to do the same
1.12. Understand the right place to end the scenario eg when the LO’s have been achieved or when the lead facilitator indicates they have sufficient material with which to conduct the debrief
2Deliver multiple scenarios or full course (as course lead or similar)All the knowledge and skills previously accumulated, plus:  

Demonstrates the ability to:

2.1. Establish and maintain a safe learning environment throughout for participants through a pre-brief:
2.1.1. Conduct a participant pre-brief – including formation of learning contract, establishing previous experience, identify specific learning opportunities within the SBE, sets expectation that giving and seeking feedback is core to SBE, explores personal feedback priorities to enhance individual motivation
2.1.2. Centre orientation and orientation to the simulated environment
2.2. Conducts a faculty pre-brief:
2.2.1. Allocate faculty to roles throughout the day which will utilise their individual capabilities, expertise & experience
2.2.2. Support less experienced faculty with their role
2.2.3. Ensure faculty are made familiar with the course manual, equipment & learning outcomes for the course
2.2.4. Allocate participants to simulation sessions which will ensure the most positive & relevant learning experience possible
2.3. Deliver scenarios so that each learner experiences a learning situation that relevant to their clinical role and experience
2.4. Close session effectively, gather feedback, conduct faculty debrief
3Advise, coach & mentor others to deliver simulation scenarios & coursesAll the knowledge and skills previously accumulated, plus:
Demonstrates the ability to:

3.1     Support inexperienced faculty to deliver simulation courses effectively
3.2     Ensure professional role modelling
3.3     Provide constructive advice, feedback & support to faculty on their ability to run simulation sessions
3.4     Take necessary action if faculty demonstrate poor behaviour, which is not conducive to learning, unprofessional, or not in keeping with centre or Trust standards in education
3.5     Ensure the number & expertise of faculty meet the requirements of each course
3.6     Ensure consistency & standardization in quality of course delivery, particularly high-volume courses which may be delivered to a number of learners over time with different faculty 


3.7 engagement in continuing professional development (CPD) with regular evaluation of performance by both learner and fellow faculty.

Examples of relevant evidence or learning resources:

  • elfh Simulation Faculty Development Delivering SBE Scenarios module
  • Courses attended or programmes undertaken including face-to-face, e-Learning, webinars
  • Literature reviews, research, reflective practice, personal reading/learning
  • Feedback from supervisors, peers, learners
  • Examples of participation as faculty in centre based courses
  • Other equivalent demonstratable experience