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  2. LSN Faculty Development Framework
  3. D: Simulated Patients (SP)

D: Simulated Patients (SP)

LevelAimsLearning Outcomes
1Facilitate high quality involvement of SPs into a simulated training activity  Demonstrates knowledge of:

1.1. the role, value & limitations of simulated patients in simulated practice
1.2. which types of training are suitable/not suitable for the involvement of simulated patients
1.3. the ASPiH Standards with regard to SPs
1.4. Importance of ensuring SPs are representative of the diverse population of staff and patients that individual organisations serve
1.5. ability to respect the unique contribution, perspective & value of SPs
1.6. ability to maintain comfort, confidentiality, dignity, privacy & wellbeing of SP’s
1.7. effective briefing of SPs regarding their role & contribution to each scenario & debrief
1.8. appropriate professional behaviour towards SPs
1.9. support & consideration towards SPs
1.10. best practice when engaging with SPs, such that the four principles of biomedical ethics are adhered to: autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence & justice
1.11. engagement with SPs to access, enable & incorporate their feedback
2Take responsibility for the engagement & involvement of SPs in every aspect of training activity    All the knowledge and skills previously accumulated, plus:  

Demonstrates the ability to:

2.1.    verify the competence of SPs to undertake the role they have been assigned
2.2.    actively involve SPs in post training debrief & incorporate their suggestions in future training activities
2.3.    encourage SPs to reflect & develop self-awareness
teach basic level module to others
3Manage the employment & engagement of SPs at centre or departmental level All the knowledge and skills previously accumulated, plus:  

Demonstrates the ability to:

3.1 teach basic & advanced modules others
3.2 recruit & select suitable SPs for the requirements of each relevant training activity
3.3 ensure SPs receive training or guidance in ED
3.4 work within contractual, financial & procurement frameworks to ensure robust audit trails & value for money with regard
3.5 intervene in situations which could potentially affect quality of training or well-being of SPs
3.5 engagement in continuing professional development (CPD) with regular evaluation of performance by both learner and fellow faculty.

Examples of relevant evidence or learning resources:

  • Courses attended or programmes undertaken including face-to-face, e-Learning, webinars
  • Literature reviews, research, reflective practice, personal reading/learning
  • Feedback from supervisors, peers, learners
  • Other equivalent demonstratable experience