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C: Course creation and development

LevelAimsLearning Outcomes
1Design an effective simulated activity  Demonstrates knowledge of:

1.1. The need for alignment between the learning objectives, learning activities and assessment (formative or summative) and simulated activity
1.2. Different levels of fidelity in simulation and when to use them, including fidelity to the diversity of the local population and the avoidance of stereotyping
1.3. What to include in an effective simulated training activity
1.4. A selection of scenario templates
1.5. Awareness of ASPiH Standards regarding scenario writing & course material
1.6. The level of abilities & skills of target audience for which the activity is being designed – with consideration given to potential reasonable adjustments necessary on account of disability and diversity


1.7. ability to select learning objectives for the activity which are appropriate to the level, ability & skill of the learner
1.8. willingness to involve more experienced faculty to ensure availability of faculty, equipment, props & room availability
1.9. willingness to evaluate own work by a process of planning, trial & adjustment
2Design all aspects of simulated training activity    All the knowledge and skills previously accumulated, plus:  

Demonstrates knowledge of:

2.1. context of simulated activity within taught curricula, formal training or local programmes
2.2. definition and principles of good interprofessional education
2.3. The different levels of fidelity required for different learning outcomes (environmental, equipment and psychological)

Demonstrates ability to:

2.1 Design effective scenarios for inclusion in a training activity, based on learning outcomes
2.2 Select appropriate environment eg, centre based, in situ, virtual
2.3 Select appropriate modality to support delivery, eg, low fidelity, high fidelity, immersive simulation, part task, extended reality, blended approach
2.4 Design material with an interprofessional faculty which is appropriate for interprofessional education with learners from diverse backgrounds, of multiple ability, seniority, or skill, or identify when uni-professional delivery is more appropriate
2.5 design each aspect of effective simulation training activity, including introductory & supportive material & method of evaluation
2.6 map teaching activities to formal curriculum, training package or identified local learning needs
2.7 map teaching content to human factors or non-technical skills frameworks to facilitate their effectiveness as a teaching tool
2.8 create aligned learning objectives for each speciality when designing activities for multidisciplinary groups
2.9 teach level 1 faculty development module to others (as per this Faculty Development Framework)
2.10 reflect on the design of scenarios with other faculty members
3Provide leadership & expertise of course design at departmental, regional & national level Construct & deliver complex/large scale simulation activityAll the knowledge and skills previously accumulated, plus:  


3.1 ability to construct & deliver faculty development programmes which include level 1 and level 2 modules (as per this Faculty Development Framework)
3.2 need to work across centres, departments & regions when required to align training with regional or national requirements
3.3 ability to evaluate, review & peer review own & others work to ensure educational content of the highest standard
3.4 engagement in continuing professional development (CPD) with regular evaluation of performance by both learner and fellow faculty.

Examples of relevant evidence or learning resources:

  • elfh Simulation Faculty Development SBE design toolkit module
  • Courses attended or programmes undertaken including face-to-face, e-Learning, webinars
  • Literature reviews, research, reflective practice, personal reading/learningFeedback from supervisors, peers, learners
  • Examples of initiatives to create or develop content
  • Other equivalent demonstratable experience
  • EDI training