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LSN Event Recordings

April 2024: LSN Multi-Simulation Showcase

Watch the Multi-Professional Simulation Showcase on Youtube with chapter markers by clicking the image below.


This full-day showcase, presented by the London Simulation Network and hosted by UCLH, showcased the impressive developments in multi-professional simulation being made across the Network.

The overarching question to the showcase was:
How do we sustain multi-professional simulation based education? 

The showcase had workshops, keynote speakers, poster presentations and more, sharing experiences of sustained innovation, changed practices or researched challenges from different organisations.

It shared innovations/ changes that have supported sustainability when delivering multi-professional simulations.

Presented examples of multi-professional simulation pilots or innovations that have made differences to workforce teams, patient safety and/or interprofessional education and how to sustain them.

Discussed strategies tried and challenges faced in order to make multi-professional simulations sustainable.

Gave the opportunities for organisations to network face-to-face.

And, celebrated the innovations and excellence within the LSN.

April 2023: Looking Inward to Improve – Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity in Simulation

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This event, hosted by UCLPartners was held on 06/04/23 to discuss how equity, diversity and inclusion can be incorporated through healthcare simulation.

Eve Purdy – Emergency Medicine Physician and Applied Anthropologist at the Gold Coast University Hospital, Australia presented an EDI-SIM tool that’s been introduced in the Gold Coast and discussed the impact this strategy has had, and what the London Simulation Network can learn from this work.

February 2023: A Network in Conversation Event – Extended Reality: Where are we? What next?


This London Simulation Network event, jointly hosted by UCLPartners and Kings College London was held on 21/02/23 to discuss Extended Reality in healthcare, where we are and what is next. You will hear from:

  • Dr Elena Skryabina, Research Fellow in Simulation Education

Useful resources from ‘A Network in Conversation: XR’:

April 2022: Meaningful Patient EngagementPPIE in Simulation in Practice: Part 2

Using Simulation to Engage Patients and Publics: Flipping the Tool 

Using the Patient Experience in Mental Health Simulation

Involving patients and relatives by translating their experiences into simulation-based education


This London Simulation Network event, held on 29/04/22, was the second of the series of Meaningful Patient Engagement. You will hear from:

  • Sharon Weldon, Professor of Healthcare Simulation and Workforce Development – Using Simulation to Engage Patients and Publics: Flipping the Tool 
  • Sandra Parish, mental health nurse at Maudsley Learning, mental health simulation team –  Using the Patient Experience in Mental Health Simulation
  • Carrie Hamilton, Director of Education, Training and Innovation at SimComm Academy – Involving patients and relatives by translating their experiences into simulation-based education

October 2021: London Patient Safety Education Symposium – Jointly hosted by UCLPartners and HEE


This event, jointly hosted by UCLPartners and HEE was held on 14/10/21 to bring patient safety specialists together with simulation practitioners and patient safety educators. We would greatly appreciate if you could take 5 minutes to complete this short feedback form after watching the event recording.

Useful resources from the symposium:

September 2021: Meaningful Patient Engagement Series: Part 1


This London Simulation Network event held on 29/09/21, was the first of the series on Meaningful Patient Engagement. You will hear from:

  • Beth Tennant, Simulation and Clinical Skills Manager at University College London Hospital
  • Carrie Hamilton, the Director of Education, Training and Innovation at Simcomm Academy
  • Derek Stewart, Cancer Patient Advocate