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Useful resources

Relevant publications
  • How to Develop a Virtual Reality (VR) 360 Degree Film – Part One has been written by Nick Peres, Immersive Technologies Advisor, and gives detailed instructions to learners focusing on technique, camera positioning, sound and directing a scene.
  • The Faculty Development Guidance is part of NHSE TEL’s national toolkit to support the use of simulation in health and care. The comprehensive guide, which was developed with support from Simulation Reference Task and Finish group members, offers recommendations for organisations to run an effective and credible simulation faculty to ensure faculty members are trained and supported to deliver high quality simulation-based education.
  • The ASPiH Standards for Simulation-Based Education were created to combine relevant best practice and published evidence in simulation-based education for all healthcare professionals with consideration of a number of existing quality assurance processes currently in use across the UK and around the world.
  • The NHSE National Strategic Vision for simulation and immersive technologies in health and care explores how high-quality simulation-based programmes can be applied to help address system-wide challenges being faced within the health and care sector.
  • Enhancing UK Core Medical Training through simulation-based education: an evidence-based approach – Drawing on the experience of the joint JRCPTB/NHSE Expert Group on Simulation in Core Medical Training (CMT), this report identifies those aspects of the CMT curriculum which can be appropriately taught using SBE and provides recommendations as to when implementation should be mandatory.
  • National Patient Safety Syllabus – This syllabus represents an exciting new approach to patient safety incorporating an emphasis on a proactive approach to identifying risks to safe care and including systems thinking and human factors.
  • Royal College of Anaesthetists Simulation Strategy – The document outlines how the College aims to continue to lead in the field of simulation applied to healthcare. This will support the delivery of the RCoA Education Strategy and enhance the College’s activities in training, research, patient safety and quality improvement work.
Event recordings + resources

Meaningful Patient Engagement Series

Part 1: Meaningful Patient Engagement: Why and how to effectively embed the patient voice in simulation education – This London Simulation Network event, held on 29/09/21, was the first of the series on Meaningful Patient Engagement. You will hear from:

  • Beth Tennant, Simulation and Clinical Skills Manager at University College London Hospital
  • Carrie Hamilton, the Director of Education, Training and Innovation at Simcomm Academy
  • Derek Stewart, Cancer Patient Advocate

Part 2: Meaningful Patient Engagement: PPIE in simulation in practice – This London Simulation Network event, held on 29/04/22, was the second of the series of Meaningful Patient Engagement. You will hear from:

Part 3: Meaningful Patient Engagement: The practicalities of patient and public involvement – This London Simulation Network event, held on 13/05/22, was the third of the series on Meaningful Patient Engagement. You will hear from:

  • Natt Day, PPIE Lead at UCLPartners

Useful Resource from Part 3: Slide Deck on The Practicalities of Patient and Public Involvement

London Patient Safety Education Symposium – Jointly hosted by UCLPartners and HEE

London Patient Safety Education Symposium – This event, jointly hosted by UCLPartners and HEE was held on 14/10/21 to bring patient safety specialists together with simulation practitioners and patient safety educators. We would greatly appreciate if you could take 5 minutes to complete this short feedback form after watching the event recording.

Useful resources from the symposium:

LSN Learning Together Events

May 2022

OSAD Debriefing Tool Workshop – This LSN Learning Together Event was held on the 18/05/22. You will hear from:

  • Dr Jane Runnacles, Consultant Paediatrician at St George’s University Hospital

July 2022

EDI in Debriefs: Tackling Inequity in and Through Simulation – This LSN Learning Together Event hosted by Maudsley Learning was held on the 15/07/22. You will hear from:

  • Dr Marcela Schilderman, Consultant psychiatrist at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

Useful Resource from ‘EDI in Debriefs’: Slide deck on tackling inequity in and through simulation

Plus Delta Debrief – This LSN Learning Together Event was held on Friday 29/07/22. You will hear from:

Dr Ranjev Kainth, the Simulation lead at Kings College London masters in clinical education

Useful Resource from ‘Plus Delta Debrief’: Slide deck on Plus Delta Debrief

August 2022

GOSH Prebrief Tool – This LSN Learning Together Event was held on Wednesday 10/08/22. You will hear from: Gareth Drake and Kate Drewek who introduce a new prebrief tool.

  • Gareth Drake, a Psychologist in Simulation
  • Kate Drewek, an Education Fellow in Simulation

December 2022

Behavioural Science and Debriefing – This LSN Learning Together Event was held on Friday 01/12/22. You will hear from:

  • Orla O’Doherty, an expert in behavioural change at UCLPartners

Useful Resource from Behavioural Science and Debriefing’: Slide deck on ‘Behavioural Science and Debriefing’

Video Drama for Learning Series

Part 2: This Video Drama for Learning Video on How to make the best use of video in learning was hosted by Nice Media on the 23/11/22. You will heard from:

Tom Hickmore, Creative Director at Nice Media

Georgia Rooney, Solutions Consultant at Nice Media

A Network in Conversation Event – Extended Reality: Where are we? What next?

A Network in Conversation – Extended Reality: Where are we? What next? – This event, jointly hosted by UCLPartners and Kings College London was held on 21/02/23 to discuss Extended Reality in healthcare, where we are and what is next. You will hear from:

  • Dr Elena Skryabina, Research Fellow in Simulation Education

Useful resources from ‘A Network in Conversation: XR’:

Useful websites