Medtribe is on a mission to make healthcare education easier and more connected.
Medtribe is a free online platform that helps streamline your education event administration, helping you to run more education in less time.
Features include automated emails, surveys and certificates, a dedicated place to share resources and simplified attendance tracking. This means that anything from your weekly seminars to your annual conference is administered in minutes, not days.
Medtribe has been built alongside the expert professionals who use the platform. If you have an idea or suggestion, they’re ready to make it happen.
Their education tools are 100% free for healthcare professionals and teams. They stay sustainable by helping organisations match the right people for jobs and fellowships. Users can opt-in to hear about suitable opportunities, whilst organisations can easily find the right person. They are also fully GDPR compliant.
Medtribe is used by 100’s educators across the UK, including the Sim Wessex Network and the North Central London GP Training Hub. Educators use it to save time, easily collect essential information, and connect with other educators.
Explore the website at medtribe.com by creating a test event or contact the founder Dr Ciaran Megoran at ciaran@medtribe.com, for more information.