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  5. Simulation Evacuation! Ergonomics and Human factors explored in theatre evacuation Sim (October 2023)

Simulation Evacuation! Ergonomics and Human factors explored in theatre evacuation Sim (October 2023)

By Laura Ellis

The Gateway Surgical Centre, is situated in the grounds of Newham University Hospital and provides elective surgery including orthopaedic surgery.

The Gateway Surgical Centre is classified as a high-risk area with a high-risk patient group, with unique needs as is stands alone from the main hospital site. Therefore understanding of  the management and co-ordination of acute situations are essential in maintaining patient safety.  In conjunction with the Anaesthetics department and the Fire Safety Officer for the site, we planned a mass evacuation simulation of four theatres on the surgical floor simultaneously. The patients were all at various stages in their procedures and therefore different acuity levels. The candidates needed to co-ordinate a horizontal evacuation with the end point being when all patients made it to the lift. The four theatres were debriefed in their smaller groups then the whole floor came together to share learning points.

The below learning summary shows the importance of communication, situational awareness, the need for followership and leadership and effective tools to aid a successful evacuation.

Although this was an ambitious project the feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and we are proud to say that this was a successful evacuation drill. It was a multi-professional complex simulation that was a success due to the collaboration of our colleagues not only at the Newham but across Barts Health who came across sites to help.

Author Laura Ellis, Simulation Centre Lead Specialist (Newham site).

To speak to the centre about this sim please contact: