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  4. Newsletter articles (2023 archive)
  5. Celebrating the first Interprofessional PalliSim Course (October 2023)

Celebrating the first Interprofessional PalliSim Course (October 2023)

PalliSim Network grew from the recognition that most palliative care simulation faculty were operating in silos.  By collaborating and sharing expertise, we have created and supported multiple different palliative care simulation programmes across the U.K. One such programme is the Palliative Medicine Simulation/Skills course run for Palliative Medicine trainees in London/Kent/Surrey and Sussex. Over the past two years, we have developed a three-module simulation programme with sessions focusing on specific clinical skills workshops and related simulation scenarios followed by a human-factors centered debriefs.

This led to our first interprofessional day, in August 2023! We were excited to run the ‘non-invasive ventilation and tracheostomy’ module at St George’s Hospital. We welcomed palliative care nurses to join the palliative medicine registrars and the day consisted of two clinical skills workshops centred around caring for patients on non-invasive ventilation or with tracheostomies, a human factors-centred discussion and two simulation scenarios to allow skills to be applied in practice. Attendees appreciated learning from subject-matter experts, hearing from each other’s varied perspectives and sharing knowledge.

As a palliative care simulation network, we believe we can enhance palliative medicine and end of life education through simulation. We welcome members from any background, from any specialty or profession. By valuing the diversity of our membership, we bring inclusivity and quality to the simulation programmes we initiate, run and support.

If you’re interested in collaborating or looking to set up palliative care simulation at your site and don’t know where to start, get in touch at:

Twitter: @PalliSimNetwork

Alternatively please contact: