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  2. How-to guide: The Bedside Learning Coordinator Role 
  3. How to use this guide

How to use this guide

What is this resource? 

This resource will enable you to: 

  • Describe a learning health system approach and how the BLC role can be used to apply agile learning and improvement. 
  • Understand the implications for how the BLC role works in practice and its potential across a range of health and care settings. 
  • Hear practical examples and lessons learnt from NHS organisations who have implemented the role and demonstrated improvements in patient care and workplace wellbeing. 
  • Adapt tools and resources to support implementation of the role within your own organisation. 

Who is this resource for? 

  • This resource is for any organisation or individual, working across health and social care, who is interested in learning how NHS organisations have implemented and adapted the BLC role to support a learning health system way of working.  

How has it been developed? 

  • This resource has been developed by UCLPartners AHSN, in partnership with NHS organisations who have implemented the BLC role. Many tools, presented in this resource pack, were coproduced by the BLC Community of Practice, supported by the Q community.  

How should it be used?  

  • You can use this resource, either by reviewing it from start to finish, or by looking at the sections you feel are most relevant to you.  
  • The BLC role, by its nature, is an evolving and flexible model. While case studies and tools listed in this resource pack cannot fully capture and address all aspects of the model, we hope it gives an overview of the benefits of this way of working and provides a practical guide to pilot and adapt elements of the model in your own organisation.