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  2. How-to guide: The Bedside Learning Coordinator Role 
  3. 4: Implementation

4: Implementation

In this section you will find a selection of case studies demonstrating how to effectively implement the BLC role in your organisation, as well as practical tools and lessons learnt from NHS Trusts who have adapted the BLC model.  

After seeing, first-hand, the value of the BLC role at the NHS Nightingale Hospital London, several NHS organisations have successfully adopted the BLC role across the UCLPartners geography. NHS Trusts, such as the Royal Free London and Mid and South Essex, have harnessed the flexibility of the BLC model, adapting the role across a range of settings to meet the needs of their wards, departments, and organisation.  

Improvement stories  

Several hospitals across the NHS are now adopting the role across different settings to capture frontline insights on improving patient care, efficiency, and staff well-being. Chase Farm Hospital, part of the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust group in London, and Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust were some of the first adopters of the BLC role, utilising the role to capture insights across their organisations and forming a key part of their organisation’s learning health system approach. 

Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust (Chase Farm Hospital) 

The Chase Farm Hospital team share their journey of implementing the BLC role as part of a wider Learning Health System, designed to embed continuous improvement into daily work & amplify the voices of diverse patients and staff. 

Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust  

The Mid and South Essex team discuss how they have adapted the BLC role as a method of delivering change to put everyone at the frontline of Quality Improvement.  

Barts Health NHS Trust 

Dr. Andrew Wragg shares his reflections of implementing the BLC role at Barts Health NHS Trust during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Additional resources: 

  • BLC eLearning video: An animated training video, developed by the Mid and South Essex team, to introduce how the frontline learning coordinator role works and the benefits it can bring to daily work.  
  • UCLPartners BLC role webinar: Hear first-hand from organisations and staff that have adopted the role, how it was implemented and what lessons there are for others looking to adopt the BLC role in their setting. 
  • Developing learning health systems in the UK: A Health Foundation report on the opportunities and actions that can be taken to develop Learning Health Systems (including a case study on how the BLC role was implemented at the NHS Nightingale Hospital London).