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Staff wellbeing: learning from a national NHS crisis

4 August 2020, 12pm | ONLINE WEBINAR
In the second of our Doing Things Differently series, we will learn what a variety of hospitals did to develop their training and support packages for staff during COVID-19.

How do you provide the best possible support for the wellbeing of staff in the midst of a crisis?

The response to COVID-19 put unprecedented pressures on staff working in health and care settings. Long hours wearing uncomfortable protective equipment, managing patients suffering from a novel disease, with rapidly changing treatment protocols and often devastating outcomes. In the second of our Doing Things Differently series, we will learn what a variety of hospitals did to develop their training and support packages for staff during this time. In our learning, we will explore what practical tools and measures other organisations can adopt in their own setting to support the wellbeing of their staff.

Speakers and panelists

  • Sandi Drewett, Director of Workforce and Organisational Development, Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Deputy HR Director, NHS Nightingale London
  • Jo Cooke, Tracheotomy Advanced Nurse Specialist, Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • John Jeans, Anaesthetist, Imperial College Healthcare Trust
  • Bryn Baxendale, Chair, HEE Simulation Advisory & Development Committee, Health Education England, and Clinical Lead for MSc in Quality & Patient Safety Improvement, University of Nottingham
  • Chris Caldwell, Director of Nursing and Director of NWSDU, The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust
  • Rebecca Graham, Director of HR and OD, UCLPartners


Each of our speakers/panelists will reflect on their experiences and observations in a series of short presentations. There will be an opportunity for open questions from participants towards the end of the session. If you have any questions you would like to submit ahead of the session, please include them when you register.

The session will be held on Zoom and you will require a link to join, which you will receive when you register through Zoom. Please do not share the link to join the session as it is unique to each registration.

About the series

Doing Things Differently is a series of virtual sessions hosted by UCLPartners looking at how the experience of managing the COVID-19 pandemic can be used to deliver care differently in future. The emerging nature of the crisis required teams and organisations to adopt an agile approach and change the way they worked, which has resulted in episodes of excellence that we can all learn from.

Each session will have a different topic focus and/or setting, but the lessons will have broad interest and applicability.

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