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CVD Prevention: Supporting primary care to do things differently webinar series

UCLPartners is providing a series of 1-hour online education sessions for health care professionals involved in management of long-term conditions with specific focus on cardiovascular disease.

Each session will provide practical support for implementing the Proactive Care Frameworks and highlight high impact clinical interventions for specific conditions. This series will also identify opportunities to utilise the wider workforce in LTC management and include time for questions and discussion on each topic.

The Proactive Care Frameworks focus on how to do things differently at scale: they enable practices to prioritise clinical activity by stratifying patients who are at highest risk; they deploy the wider workforce to reduce the workload for GPs; and they improve the personalised care offer for patients the webinars will be held on the third Tuesday of the month.

These webinars are opened to all health care professionals involved in management of long-term conditions in primary care (GPs, nurses pharmacists, practice managers etc).

Webinar 1: UCLPartners Proactive Care Frameworks– 17 January 2023

  • Why is CVD a national and local priority including size of the prize?
  • Introduction to UCLPartners Proactive Care Frameworks
  • High impact interventions in CV disease
  • Using the wider workforce to improve outcomes

Register for Webinar 1: UCLPartners Proactive Care Frameworks

Webinar 2: UCLPartners Proactive Care for Hypertension management 21 February 2023

  • Unmet need in blood pressure management
  • Using the searches on EMIS / SystmOne for risk stratification
  • BP optimisation case study
  • Supporting behaviour change

Register for Webinar 2: UCLPartners Proactive Care for Hypertension management

Webinar 3: UCLPartners Proactive Care for Lipid management21 March 2023

  • Unmet need in lipid management
  • Optimising lipid management in people with and without CVD
  • Managing statin intolerance and statin hesitancy
  • Intensification of therapy beyond statins
  • Supporting adherence

Register for Webinar 3: UCLPartners Proactive Care for Lipid management

Webinar 4: UCLPartners Proactive Care for AF18 April 2023

  • Risk stratification and optimisation for stroke prevention
  • Stroke and bleeding risk assessment
  • DOACs vs warfarin
  • Safe prescribing of anticoagulants and on-going monitoring

Register for Webinar 4: UCLPartners Proactive Care for AF

Webinar 5: UCLPartners Proactive Care for Familial Hypercholesterolemia16 May 2023

  • Why is FH important
  • Finding patients at risk
  • Confirming the diagnosis
  • Lipid lowering therapies in FH 

Register for Webinar 5: UCLPartners Proactive Care for Familial Hypercholesterolemia

Webinar 6: UCLPartners- Primrose; CVD Prevention in people with Serious Mental Illness – tbc

  • The poor physical health outcomes and shorter life expectancy for people with SMI
  • Introduction to the UCLP-Primrose model
  • Findings from the early evaluation so far
  • Demonstration of the resources available and implementation support (tbc) available

Register details to follow.